Creating an Effective Teacher Website
Creating teacher websites is an embedded practice for art education students in our program at Miami University in Oxford, OH. Click here to see the "assignment" for the 296 students. This is two semesters after students have created their initial site.
This has been presented at the 2015 National Art Educators Association annual conference in New Orleans, LA, at Butler County Education Conference for arts teachers in Trenton, Ohio, and the 2015 Ohio Art Educators Association annual conference in Dayton, Ohio.
This has been presented at the 2015 National Art Educators Association annual conference in New Orleans, LA, at Butler County Education Conference for arts teachers in Trenton, Ohio, and the 2015 Ohio Art Educators Association annual conference in Dayton, Ohio.
Interested in creating a site through Weebly? Start here:
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Some have asked what the difference between a free and pro Weebly account is. With a pro, you can:
- Add a Search Box to make all your site content searchable
- Add a Header Slideshow to create a more interactive design
- Create a Custom Footer
- Add HD Video & Audio players
- Get Expanded Site Stats to learn more about your visitors
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- Promote your site with $100 in additional advertising from Google AdWords™
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